STAR OFFER 3: Angelic images
ANGELIC IMAGES is a unique and powerful Magical Workbook which reveals the secret technique of creating and projecting an image of ANY being for use in invocation and evocation rites by analysing its Name of Power using little-known Qabalistic techniques which will transform their magic.
Adherents will discover potent keys believed to transfer consciousness between planes and how to easily construct divine images, visualisations, characters, provinces and the powers of Astral forms, including...
In fact any Astral Being the magician wishes to contact, question, worship or command.
Often considered the 'Missing Key' to the most powerful magic this technique unlocks other secrets too, because ANGELIC IMAGES contains examples of using a procedure to divine and discover the ingredients which are required for the construction of initiated working incenses appropriate to any rite or intention. Now preparations can go beyond the correspondences and attributions in LIBER 777 and actually incorporate astral linkages for the most powerful magic possible, says Marabas. The techniques contained in ANGELIC IMAGES allow a full understanding of the area of control / intelligence which creations will occupy. The magician can therefore know beforehand (or tailor to his/her own purposes) the limit of their powers and provinces. So concise is this little book that its effect far outweighs its size. Possession of it is rare, previously only being published in a limited edition which sold like wild-fire. One copy of the first edition found its way into the hands of that great initiate Israel Regardie who included the following recommendation in his monumental work THE COMPLETE GOLDEN DAWN SYSTEM OF MAGIC.
"A few months ago my attention was directed to ANGELIC IMAGES by Frater
A.H.E.H.'O. in England. It is a beautifully written little manual on the
use of the Telesmatic Images. As the author states, the technique is nowhere
to be found save in The Golden Dawn, yet this is strange, that so formidable
a technique has received no further commentary.... He proposed to remedy
the deficiency and indeed has succeeded so well that I strongly recommend
the little book. It may be purchased from The Sorcerer's Apprentice in Leeds,
Israel Regardie 'The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic' |
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accessing this powerful technique this evening!
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We are constrained by atheists to state:
This literature is provided for research, historical, worship and entertainment purposes only.
Not an invitation to change one's religion or world view.
Folk-history, lore and legend may not be a reliable guide.
In this context 'secret' means 'known only to a very few'.
All experiments are not guaranteed and are undertaken at user's own risk.
May require application, aptitude, willpower and the development of skill.
Not an intimation of the existence of divinity. This is a genuine offer - trust us.
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DISCLAIMER: Along with five billion other souls on this planet we believe in Transmogrification
(magic), and Transubstantiation (life in spirit). About 85% of the world's population believe in
the world of spirit. Only 7% of the world's population are
atheists (scientific materialists) but these few people have a disproportionate influence over
the way we live because the government relies heavily on these Scientific Soothsayers
of the State to provide justification for their decisions. This disclaimer is to comply with the
prejudiced demands of this lobby and should be seen as such.
When we infer on these webpages that something is successful
for a particular purpose we mean that traditionally it has been held by sages to be successful for that
purpose or/and that historically it is reputed to work in a novel, legendary or peculiar way
to succeed with that purpose, or/and that people alive today have tried and recommended the
item as being successful or helping to a lesser or greater degree for that purpose and
therefore it may be worth trying. In most instances we will have tested, experienced and
confirmed the effects ourselves but we freely admit that these items may not work in every
instance or may work in lesser ways than the examples quoted. We offer them out for historic
and curiosity value only as untested objects of pleasance. All use and application of these
items and information should be seen as experimental. Magical effects cannot be proven nor guaranteed.
We have personally used and sold items like these for over three decades and our experience
is positive - however in order to make an informed choice you should be aware that science
disagrees about the existence of magical forces and effects and insists that other mundane
actors will be working to cause the success experienced if any. Intending purchasers should
carefully read our full Duty of Care Statement of Intent on
REASONABLE RISK: Advice; Personal Consultations; Recommendations for Applications: Marabas has an unparalleled grasp of esoteric methods worldwide but he is not a god - he cannot indemnify customers from risk. Only you know your exact circumstances, your medical history, state of health and the progression of the problem so far. Only you can judge whether it is in your interests to apply magic in your life. If you ask us how a magician might resolve a problem then Marabas will tell you but in our eyes magic is a force used to modify the course of destiny and can cause peripheral changes which are not anticipated therefore all magical operations are by qualification inherently experimental. Our products are genuine, contain proper materials and most importantly are designed with adept knowledge of magical method. You cannot get a better chance of successfully experimenting with magic but be under no illusion - it is an experiment undertaken entirely at your own risk. The S.A. offers raw materials and literature for curiosity's sake only. Marabas's historical knowledge is given if asked. Under present law Marabas cannot 'prescribe' magical actions or cures; we suggest only what an adept might do in your place. To recapitulate: We are not selling you the magic 'cure', though it may very well turn out that way. We are providing the opportunity to experiment with genuine magical methods to open up new doors in your life. We can tell you how others have changed their lives and how you might choose to do it for yourself but you are responsible for your own experiments. We cannot indemnify people from the repercussions of foolishness but we will sincerely do everything we can to ensure your genuine success and this will be the limit of our liability. Marabas's suggestions will always comply with U.K. law but if you are unsure whether a suggestion might breach local laws or regulations then you should consult your legal advisor before ordering. Clients must be cognizant that all Magic and ritual work is experimental and therefore undertaken by them at their own inception and at their own risk. We provide all reasonable warnings and protections for our clients but cannot be held responsible for applications of their own invention of which we are uninformed. We will readily offer our opinion on the advisability of proposed applications of our products without charge. We expect the typical customer to be reasonably fit and healthy. If you are significantly unwell, subject to allergies, are taking a course of treatment, are pregnant, a registered drug addict, have a history of chronic ailments or are undergoing psychiatric help then it is your responsibility to clear your intentions with your doctor and alert us before you embark upon a purchase. . |