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The Truth About
You've Experienced It Yourself. It's Proof Of Your
Own Latent Psychic Abilities.
Reliving scenes
and conversations which we unaccountably appear to have lapsed memories
about is termed Deja Vu or Mystic Memory. It is a VERY common human
experience. So common that it is often taken for granted as some kind
of 'trick' of the brain, yet the review below shows that it is in fact
a major magical technique to gaining access to the inner-planes and is
prime-facie evidence of the disruption of time and space which as an
explorer of the esoteric and psychic worlds you yourself may learn how
to replicate.
On the 17th February 1828
the eminent Sir Walter Scott entered in his Diary, that, on the
preceding day at dinner, he was strangely haunted by what he would call
' the sense of
pre-existence ;' namely, a confused idea
that nothing that passed was said for the first time—that the same
topics had been discussed, and the same persons had stated the same
opinions on them.
The sensation, he adds,
' was so strong
to resemble what is called a mirage, when lakes are seen in the desert,
and sylvan landscapes in the sea. . . . There was a vile sense of want
of reality in all that I did and said.'
In his novel Scott has Guy
Mannering, one of his characters say:
' Why is it
that some
scenes awaken thoughts which belong, as it were, to dreams of early and
shadowy-recollection, such as [others] would have ascribed to a state
of previous existence ? How often do we find ourselves [with people]
which we have never before met, and yet feel impressed with a
mysterious and ill-defined consciousness that neither the scene, the
speakers, nor the subject are entirely new ; nay, feel as if we could
anticipate that part of the conversation which has not yet taken place'
Occultists take this as an
evidence that our mental part has actually had an existence before our
present bodily life, souls being, so to speak, created from the
beginning, and attached to bodies at the moment of mortal birth.
Many intelligent folk see
the thousands of cases on record as cases of fore-knowledge. Mystics
hold that the human mind is capable of foreseeing the future more or
less distinctly. May we not suppose that, in dreams or waking reveries,
we sometimes anticipate what will befall us, and that this impression,
forgotten in the interval, is revived by the actual occurrence of the
event foreseen?
In the Confessions of
Rousseau there is a remarkable passage which appears to support this
theory. This singular man, in his youth, taking a solitary walk, fell
into a reverie, in which he clearly foresaw 'the happiest day of
his life,' which occurred seven or eight years afterwards.
saw myself as in an ecstasy, transported into that happy time and
occasion, where my heart, possessing all the happiness possible,
enjoyed it with inexpressible raptures, without thinking of anything
sensual. I do not remember being ever thrown into the future with more
force, or of an illusion so complete as I then experienced; and that
which has struck me most in the recollection of that reverie, now that
it has been realized, is to have found objects so exactly as I had
imagined them. If ever a dream of man awake had the air of a prophetic
vision, that was assuredly such.'
Rousseau tells how his
reverie was realized, at a fete champetre, at a place which he had not
previously seen.
' The condition
of mind
in which I found myself, all that we said and did that day, all the
objects whch struck me, recalled to me a kind of dream whcih I had at
Annecy seven or eight years before, and which I have given an account
in writing previously. The relations were so striking that in thinking
of them I could not refrain from tears.'
This brings to mind a
similar experience published as "An Adventure", about
two English lady
tourists walking in modern day Versailles Palace who both somehow
'stepped through' time into the period of Louis IV. Their detailed
investigations into what they saw during the twenty minute 'break in
time' proved beyond doubt that what they had seen was factually
correct, even reporting the existence of buildings extant then, but
which had since been remodelled or demolished. Neither ladies had
ever been to France before.
Mr Elihu Bich has many times
experienced 'the mysterious sense of having been surrounded at some
previous time by precisely the same circumstances' and presents us with
another case. A gentleman of high intellectual attainments, now
deceased, told Bich that he had dreamed of being in a strange city, so
vividly that he remembered the streets, houses, and public buildings as
distinctly as those of any place he ever visited. A few weeks
afterwards he was startled by seeing the city of which he had dreamed.
The likeness was perfect, except that one additional church appeared in
the picture. He was so struck by the circumstance that he spoke to the
exhibitor, assuming for the purpose the air of a traveller acquainted
with the place. He was informed that the church was a recent
The case of Mr John Pavin Phillips, of Haverfordwest, contains even
greater detail.
'I was seated at
breakfast-table with some members of my family,
when suddenly the room and objects around me vanished away, and I found
myself, without surprise, in the street of a foreign city. Never having
been abroad, I imagined it to have been a foreign city from the
peculiar character of the architecture. The street was very wide, and
on either side of the roadway there was a foot pavement elevated above
the street to a considerable height. The houses had pointed gables and
casemented windows overhanging the street. The roadway presented a
gentle acclivity ; and at the end of the street there was a road
crossing it at right angles, backed by a green slope which which rose
to the eminence of a hill and was crowned by more houses over which
soared a lofty tower, either of a churh or ome other ecclesiastical
building. As I gazed on the scene before me I was impressed with an
overwhelming conviction that I had looked upon it before, and that its
features were perfectly familiar to me ; I even seemed almost to
remember the name of the place, and whilst I was making an effort to do
so a crowd of people appeared to be advancing in an orderly manner up
the street. As it came nearer it resolved itself into a quaint
procession of persons in what we should call fancy dress or perhaps
more like one of the guild festivals which we read of as being held in
some of the old continenal cities.
As the procession came abreast of the spot where I was standing I stood
onto the pavement to let it go by and as it filed past me, with its
banners and gay paraphernalia flashing in the sunlight, the
irresistible conviction again came over me that I had seen this same
procession before, and in the very street through which it was now
passing. Again I almost recollected the name of the concourse and its
occasion ; but whilst endeavouring to remember
the effort dispelled the vision, and I found myself, as before, seated
at my breakfast-table, cup in hand. My exclamation of astonishment
attracted the notice of one of the members of my family, who inquired
what I had been staring at. Upon telling them about the vision, which
appeared to me to embrace a period of considerable duration, it became
apparent that it must have been to them just an instant. The city, with
its landscape, is indelibly fixed in my memory, but the sense of
previous familiarity with it has never again been renewed. The " spirit
of man within him " is indeed a mystery ; and those who have witnessed
it cannot but have been impressed with the conviction that there are
dormant faculties belonging to the human mind, which, like the
rudimentary wings said to be contained within the skin of the
caterpillar, are only to be developed in a higher sphere of being.'
A still more remarkable case
is that from the memoirs of Mr William Hone, who was originaly a
hard-bitten materialist. In the course of business he visited the city
of London for the first time.
I was shown
into a room
to wait. On looking round, everything appeared perfectly familiar to me
; I seemed to recognise every object. I said to myself, " What is this
? I was never here before, and yet I have seen all this ; and, if so, I
know that there is a very peculiar knot in the shutter." ' He
opened the shutter, and found the knot! ' Now then,' he thought,
here is something I cannot explain according to my existing beliefs;
there must be some power beyond matter.'
This case is just one where
'proof' of the 'reality' of the 'memory' is undoubted as nothing else
can account for the preconception of the knot in the shutter, or the
case of the extraneous church in the visioned city.
experience of Mystic
Memory / Deja Vu might be supposed to arise from a previous dream, or
it may be a day reverie, perhaps one of only an instant's duration and
very recent occurrence, in which the assemblage of objects and
transactions was foreseen. It could also easily be a kink in time which
enables us to be in one time dimension whilst viewing another. Whatever
the true mechanics of it are the existence of these experiences are far
too common to simply be taken as 'quirks' of memory and those of an
enquiring mind look upon them as validation of the existence of states
beyond matter and justification
for experimenting further to try to gain control over willed
events. One things is for sure. What we call 'reality' is only
one of a number of alternative images of normality whcih are as
maleable and flexible as the images seen on your TV screen. Exploring
other realities is what occultism is all about as Marabas will teach
you if you follow his lecture tapes and writings.
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people alive today have tried and recommended the item as being
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REASONABLE RISK: Advice; Personal Consultations; Recommendations for
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judge whether it is in your interests to apply magic in your life. If
you ask us how a magician might resolve a problem then Marabas will
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To recapitulate: We are not selling you the magic
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