YOU ARE PART OF AN HISTORIC SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION WHICH IS TAKING PLACE RIGHT NOW ON PLANET EARTH?All of it is documented in this Historic report. Read what other Occultists' Lives are like. Wiccans, Witches, Qabalists, Thelemites, Psychics, Druids, even Satanists; tell you What they think, How they live, What they Believe in, how they use Magic, what they have experienced and much, much more; in.. The Original
'Many thanks to all involved in compiling the
Occult-Census©. The result have proven to be
most interesting and have been good discussion
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'So very glad I ordered anOccult-Census©. Have studied it several times and found it excellent. Heartiest congratulations to everyone concerned, it is a magnificent achievement. I was so impressed.' Ms R M, London These genuine unsolicited testimonials are included to show what some have achieved. The originals are held for inspection at our HQ, in Leeds, Yorkshire. U.K. To see other peoples' experiences click here. |
Picked on by Relatives because of your spiritual beliefs? Is your world view scorned by friends and colleagues? Grab more freedom for yourself to pursue your beliefs - send for YOUR copy of this amazing document now so you can refer to The Occult Census whenever you have the opportunity and confound their ignorance. There will only ever be one Occult Census . The project was conceived and organised by Frater Marabas at the S.A. Copies are only obtainable direct from us.
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with five billion other souls on this planet we
believe in Transmogrification (magic), and
Transubstantiation (life in spirit). About 85%
of the world's population believe in the world
of spirit. Only 7% of the world's population are
atheists (scientific materialists) but these few
people have a disproportionate influence over
the way we live because the government relies
heavily on these Scientific Soothsayers of the
State to provide justification for their
decisions. This disclaimer is to comply with the
prejudiced demands of this lobby and should be
seen as such. When we infer on these webpages
that something is successful for a particular
purpose we mean that traditionally it has been
held by sages to be successful for that purpose
or/and that historically it is reputed to work
in a novel, legendary or peculiar way to succeed
with that purpose, or/and that people alive
today have tried and recommended the item as
being successful or helping to a lesser or
greater degree for that purpose and therefore it
may be worth trying. In most instances we will
have tested, experienced and confirmed the
effects ourselves but we freely admit that these
items may not work in every instance or may work
in lesser ways than the examples quoted. We
offer them out for historic and curiosity value
only as untested objects of pleasance. All use
and application of these items and information
should be seen as experimental. Magical effects
cannot be proven nor guaranteed. We have
personally used and sold items like these for
over three decades and our experience is
positive - however in order to make an informed
choice you should be aware that science
disagrees about the existence of magical forces
and effects and insists that other mundane
actors will be working to cause the success
experienced if any. Intending purchasers should
carefully read our full Duty of Care Statement
of Intent on
REASONABLE RISK: Advice; Personal Consultations; Recommendations for Applications: Marabas has an unparalleled grasp of esoteric methods worldwide but he is not a god - he cannot indemnify customers from risk. Only you know your exact circumstances, your medical history, state of health and the progression of the problem so far. Only you can judge whether it is in your interests to apply magic in your life. If you ask us how a magician might resolve a problem then Marabas will tell you but in our eyes magic is a force used to modify the course of destiny and can cause peripheral changes which are not anticipated therefore all magical operations are by qualification inherently experimental. Our products are genuine, contain proper materials and most importantly are designed with adept knowledge of magical method. You cannot get a better chance of successfully experimenting with magic but be under no illusion - it is an experiment undertaken entirely at your own risk. The S.A. offers raw materials and literature for curiosity's sake only. Marabas's historical knowledge is given if asked. Under present law Marabas cannot 'prescribe' magical actions or cures; we suggest only what an adept might do in your place. To recapitulate: We are not selling you the magic 'cure', though it may very well turn out that way. We are providing the opportunity to experiment with genuine magical methods to open up new doors in your life. We can tell you how others have changed their lives and how you might choose to do it for yourself but you are responsible for your own experiments. We cannot indemnify people from the repercussions of foolishness but we will sincerely do everything we can to ensure your genuine success and this will be the limit of our liability. Marabas's suggestions will always comply with U.K. law but if you are unsure whether a suggestion might breach local laws or regulations then you should consult your legal advisor before ordering. Clients must be cognizant that all Magic and ritual work is experimental and therefore undertaken by them at their own inception and at their own risk. We provide all reasonable warnings and protections for our clients but cannot be held responsible for applications of their own invention of which we are uninformed. We will readily offer our opinion on the advisability of proposed applications of our products without charge. We expect the typical customer to be reasonably fit and healthy. If you are significantly unwell, subject to allergies, are taking a course of treatment, are pregnant, a registered drug addict, have a history of chronic ailments or are undergoing psychiatric help then it is your responsibility to clear your intentions with your doctor and alert us before you embark upon a purchase. . |