a unique discourse by Crowley ostensibly in
defence of the notorious Giles De Rais, a
mediaeval Magician who has been variously accused
of killing between 100 and one thousand children
in Satanic Rites. Is that what
Satanists do? Of course not.
In reality the execution of Rais on 26 October 1440
by an Ecclesiastical Court was as much due to
political intrigue and the beginnings of The Burning
Times (witchcraft mania ) than to any firm evidence
of the alleged atrocities. The accusations
have resurfaced in modern times and many otherwise
sensible commentators have fallen for the lies about
Rais including some historians who hold that the
crimes actually did occur.
But Crowley knew that Giles de Rais'
case had been a classic example of the suppression of
knowledge by a theocracy and was making ready to tell
the Oxford University Poetry Society the truth on Feb
3rd 1930.
His lecture, printed verbatim here, was in reality an
attack on the Establishment and an explanation of how
the Orthodoxy had always suppressed free thinkers. So
penetrating were these conclusions that Father Ronald
Knox, the University's Catholic Chaplain, succeeded
in banning the lecture at the last minute. This
did not frustrate Crowley who immediately had the
lecture printed and distributed as you see it in this
The relevance of Crowley's BANNED LECTURE to
modern issues of religious freedom is astounding. His
conclusions are of immense importance to all
esotericists. The strategy that the
Establishment used to persecute and execute Giles de
Rais on charges which are still unclear 500 years
afterwards are the same ones which their modern
counterparts employ to create mind-control mechanisms
in the mass media today. The need for Knox to suppress
Crowley's comments about Rais have their parallel with
the fundamentalists wish to ban Crowley's writings
Crowley's BANNED LECTURE has become
his 'defence from the grave'. Seventy years after the
event the spectre of Crowley's BANNED LECTURE
reappears again to smite the lies and contradict the
conclusions which snipe nosed bigots thought they were
safe in asserting.
When you read THE BANNED LECTURE and see what
'The Wickedest Man in the World' really thought
about Black Magic and Satanism you will see that
Crowley has managed to confounded his critics 'from
the grave' This rare treatise is now available
for instant download. See Below;

New improved digital version of
This completely revised edition of The Banned
Lecture is edited by Frater Marabas and
- A new explanatory introduction by Marabas
- The full text of Crowley's Banned Lecture,
- An extensive and informative Biography of
Gilles De Rais free from the Xist poison
which has infected the historical view of
Rais's life,
- Plus an examination by Marabas of the true
origins of the Myth of the mass-murderer
'Bluebeard', and finally
- Crucial extracts concerning Gilles de Rais
from Huysmans seminal 'La Bas', a rare
classic of Satanic literature.
Available nowhere else this latest S.A. ebook
edition of The Banned Lecture is a vast
improvement. With this you can make
sense of what happened to 'the father of
modern Satanism' and how it is repeating
now, today, as puritanism tries to regain a
foothold in our society.
The S.A. Banned Lecture digital version,
with its much expanded relevant content which
you can download instantly right now and be
reading in minutes. The
digital version has the same content as the
printed version plus it also has these
indispensable extras:
- A new
Introduction by Marabas
- The full text of
Crowley's Banned Lecture,
- Biography of
Gilles De Rais
- Marabas's take on
the true origins of the Myth of the
mass-murderer 'Bluebeard'
- Crucial extracts
from 'La Bas', a classic of
Satanic literature.
which altogether gives the never before
presented true secret history of Gilles de Rais,
the 'father of satanism' and even his
link with Joan of Arc, burned as a witch in
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