A Sample Of The Valuable Things You Can Discover and Experiment With When You Possess This ManuscriptWhat and How Many be the Forms of Veritable Magic What We Should Consider Before Undertaking This Operation Of the Age and Quality of the Person Who Wisheth to Undertake This Operation That the Greater Number of Magical Books are False and Vain That in This Operation it is not Necessary to Regard the Time, Nor the Day, Nor the Hours Concerning the Planetary Hours and Other Errors of the Astrologers Regarding What it is Necessary to Accomplish During the First Two Moons... Concerning the Two Second Moons Concerning the Two Last Moons Which Must Be Thus Commenced Concerning What Things a Man May Learn and Study During These Two Moons Concerning the Selection of the Place How One Should Keep Oneself in Order to Carry Out This Operation Well Concerning the Convocation of the Good Spirits Concerning the Convocation of the Spirits Concerning What You Should Demand of the Spirits... Concerning the Sending Them Away What We Should Answer Unto the Interrogations of the Spirits, and How We Should Resist Their Demands How He Who Operateth Should Behave as Regardeth the Spirits A Descriptive List of the Names of the Spirits... How the Operations Should be Performed By Whom the Symbols of the Chapters of the Third Book be Manifested Unto What Prince the Operations of Each Chapter are Submitted To Know All Manner of Things Past and Future Magical Symbols: To Obtain Information Concerning, and to be Enlightened Upon All Sorts of Propositions and All Doubtful Sciences To cause any Spirit to appear, and take any form, such as of Man, Animal, Bird, etc. For Divers Visions How we may retain the Familiar Spirits bond or free in whatsoever form To cause the Spirits to perform with facility and promptitude all necessary Chemical labours and Operations, as regardeth Metals especially To hinder any Necromantic or Magical Operations from taking effect against you... To Know the Secrets of Any Person To Cause a Dead Body to Revive... To Render Oneself Invisible Unto Every Person To Find and Take Possession of All Kinds of Treasures... To Fly in the Air and Travel Any Whither Astrally To Heal Divers Maladies For Every Description of Affection and Love. To Excite ... Hatred and Enmity, Discords, Quarrels, etc. To Transform Oneself, and Take Different Faces and Forms [How to] ... Cast Spells, and Work Every Kind of Evil To Demolish Buildings and Strongholds To Discover Any Thefts That Hath Occurred To Open Every Kind Of Lock... To Cause Visions to Appear To Have as Much Gold and Silver as One May Wish...
..... And Much, Much More... ![]() |
There is probably no ancient grimoire with such a reputation for efficacy as The Sacred Magic of Abra Melin The Mage. Read what eminent modern magician and historian Francis King had to say in his monumental Magic in The Western Tradition:(1975)
How Aleister Crowley Used The Sacred Magic to usher-in The Age Of HorusMacgregor Mathers [ had discovered the Sacred Magic of Abra Melin ] in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, and translated it into English. Abra-Melin's rituals differ markedly from those of other grimoires for example, the Key of Solomon or Sword of Moses, with their solemn invocation of demons; all performed from within a magic circle; by comparison, Abra-Melin is quiet and almost mystical in tone, and the invocations sound like prayers. No magic circle or pentacle is required merely a 'holy place, such as an altar constructed in a wood. ..The magician must 'inflame himself with prayer". If he is successful his Holy Guardian Angel will manifest himself, and he will instruct the magician in good and evil spirits. Crowley began practising Abra-Melin magic in his Chancery Lane temple, with me help of Bennett and his friend Jones. And he seems to have obtained almost immediate results. There is no need to disbelieve him when he says 'during this time, magical phenomena were of constant occurrence"... At all events^ Crowley found that 'demons' came unsought and that semi-solid shadows were appearing on the stairs. He locked the temple door before leaving for dinner with Jones; when he came back, it was open, and the furniture had been disarranged and symbols flung on the floor... ...It was obvious that London was no place to carry out the full ritual prescribed by Abra-Melin the Mage... He searched throughout most of 1899, and finally found what he wanted on the southern shore of Loch Ness, near Foyers; it was called Boleskine House, ... Crowley began preparing the magical squares he would need for the Abra-Melin ritual. The immediate result was a strange shadow that made it necessary to use artificial light even on the brightest day. After that, the house 'became peopled with shadowy shapes', and a friend who had come to stay with him was suddenly seized with panic, and left without saying goodbye. Still [Crowley] persisted with his invocations, and practised kabbalistic techniques of astral travel, seeing visions of fire angels, earth spirits and other elementals. [extract from ALEISTER CROWLEY: THE NATURE OF THE BEAST. (Colin Wilson) Aquarian 1987] The Book of The Law - a result of the Abra Melin Sequence![]() 'The operation out of which came The Book of The Law' Thus The most recent world-religion of Thelema and the entire direction of Crowley's magical system was a direct result of his employment of the magic of Abra Melin. Crowley made this clear when he wrote:
All this must not, of course, be taken too literally. Those modem magicians, notably S. L. MacGregor Mathers, Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune, who have seriously studied the system of Abra-Melin affirm that the 'Holy. Guardian Angel' must not be taken as an entity in its own right but as the deepest layer of the unconscious, the ultimate ego which is most truly 'I' and yet, paradoxically enough, partakes of the nature of the Divine.
.....Following this there are seven days of supernatural phenomena, notably the appearance of the Angel to the magician in order to teach him the art of controlling spirits, both good and evil. Only when this has been done can the magician safely use the 'Abra-Melin talismans', lettered squares supposedly capable of producing great wonders.
Such spectacular stories must tend to give the impression that The Sacred Magic is a somewhat sensational occult system. Nothing could be further from the truth; in its entirety the system verges on quietism - Abra-Melin is far from the flamboyance associated with many of the grimoires and approaches more nearly the calm intellectualism of some of the scholar magicians of the Renaissance.
SACRED MAGIC OF ABRA MELIN THE MAGE: just £8.97 (Mathers S.L. [Macgregor Mathers] ) One of the most powerful and genuine magical grimoires of all time at a ridiculously low price only made possible by ebook technology. You can be 'holding it in your hands' in minutes. Contains Three ancient books concerning the magical pilgrimage of an initiate and a discovered method of using sacred talismanic squares to produce magical results. Contains a complete regime of purification and preparation to make contact with The Holy Guardian Angel and gain control over personal daemons. Highly respected by all genuine occultists - particularly Crowley who noted that his massively influential Liber Al was a direct result of him doing the Abra Melin workings. . Includes the magical squares with instructions on vitalising and focussing them. Excellent. Three Hundred Pages of initiated instruction. The magical squares for diverse results magic effects. Download 'instantly' and be using it in minutes. Just print out the magical squares and follow the instructions to experiment. This is the ultimate magical grimoire in an accessible and readable format with clear illustrations and other improvements in layout for easy understanding and use by Frater Marabas. Not the usual slab of impenetrable and largely useless text which seems de-rigeur for many cobbled-together Ebooks. And, like all S.A. products, if you ever have any need for clarification of a magical method found in any of our Ebooks then you can always email Marabas for an explanation. That's often worth the price of the Ebook alone. Just click on the *.pdf file and read on your computer screen, or print out sections as you need them, ( or indeed print the entire book, if you so wish)
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A NOTE ON S.A. CYBERBOOKSWe are an established bookshop and have thousands of books on our shelves but as the scope of publishing changes radically in response to Information Technology rarer magical works are not being reprinted for they are amongst the most costly of books to reproduce being a cross between a textbook and an art book. To provide clients with maximum choice we are therefore running both printed and digital versions of most of our range as you will see from this booklist. If you've never tried downloading S.A. Cyberbooks before then you are in for a wonderful surprise because unlike regular ebooks (which have hardly any formatting or illustrations and are often difficult to read and understand), S.A. Cyberbooks are set out just like the original printed book and are super-clear and easy to use. Just double-click on the file and you're there.
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DISCLAIMER: Along with five billion other souls on this planet we believe in Transmogrification
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the world of spirit. Only 7% of the world's population are
atheists (scientific materialists) but these few people have a disproportionate influence over
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We have personally used and sold items like these for over three decades and our experience
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REASONABLE RISK: Advice; Personal Consultations; Recommendations for Applications: Marabas has an unparalleled grasp of esoteric methods worldwide but he is not a god - he cannot indemnify customers from risk. Only you know your exact circumstances, your medical history, state of health and the progression of the problem so far. Only you can judge whether it is in your interests to apply magic in your life. If you ask us how a magician might resolve a problem then Marabas will tell you but in our eyes magic is a force used to modify the course of destiny and can cause peripheral changes which are not anticipated therefore all magical operations are by qualification inherently experimental. Our products are genuine, contain proper materials and most importantly are designed with adept knowledge of magical method. You cannot get a better chance of successfully experimenting with magic but be under no illusion - it is an experiment undertaken entirely at your own risk. The S.A. offers raw materials and literature for curiosity's sake only. Marabas's historical knowledge is given if asked. Under present law Marabas cannot 'prescribe' magical actions or cures; we suggest only what an adept might do in your place. To recapitulate: We are not selling you the magic 'cure', though it may very well turn out that way. We are providing the opportunity to experiment with genuine magical methods to open up new doors in your life. We can tell you how others have changed their lives and how you might choose to do it for yourself but you are responsible for your own experiments. We cannot indemnify people from the repercussions of foolishness but we will sincerely do everything we can to ensure your genuine success and this will be the limit of our liability. Marabas's suggestions will always comply with U.K. law but if you are unsure whether a suggestion might breach local laws or regulations then you should consult your legal advisor before ordering. Clients must be cognizant that all Magic and ritual work is experimental and therefore undertaken by them at their own inception and at their own risk. We provide all reasonable warnings and protections for our clients but cannot be held responsible for applications of their own invention of which we are uninformed. We will readily offer our opinion on the advisability of proposed applications of our products without charge. We expect the typical customer to be reasonably fit and healthy. If you are significantly unwell, subject to allergies, are taking a course of treatment, are pregnant, a registered drug addict, have a history of chronic ailments or are undergoing psychiatric help then it is your responsibility to clear your intentions with your doctor and alert us before you embark upon a purchase. . |