Marabas's magical works and esoteric discoveries have been instrumental in
influencing people the world over at many different levels.
For over three decades
his brilliance has impinged upon occult perspectives world-wide.
Often his work, renowned internationally at a
high level, has opened doors for a few who have, sadly, repeated his teachings without giving
credit, as though they were the first to reveal the secrets.
Sometimes they have
used Marabas's brilliance to portray themselves as brilliant and gathered a following
on that basis. Second generation students of these people have, probably conscientiously, written up those teachings
as though their teacher was the originator and the result is that the truth of the matter
becomes obscured to those who come after.
It has always been Marabas's intention to enthuse thousands of
esoteric students to base their own discoveries upon his work and take things
further for the benefit of all; but true initiates everywhere consider that any attempt to reuse
original esoteric thinking without
giving fair credit is a form of black magick which of course has its own reward.
A classic example of
the way that people can take ideas and portray them as new discoveries is nowhere more
evinced than in the way that Marabas's 1981 work on the Prehistoric Temples of Malta (shewn on this page) has been 'recycled'
across the net. For instance, in 2012 the Hypogeum was portrayed as a new discovery by
Linda Moulton Howe on the website Earthfiles Science
Note well the statements Marabas makes in his article:
" Suddenly I had the place to
myself. Everybody seemed to disappear and the place went strangely quiet.
I was standing alone in the Oracle Room trying to appreciate how these so
called 'primitives' could have known they could obtain such a fantastic sonic
effect, let alone chip away and design it into the chamber. A little thought
into how easily too much rock could have been chipped away to destroy the
effect - and yet, conversely, how did they decide when to stop for maximum
effect? Other questions ran through my mind and I began to receive information
that brought insight from the inner planes."
With Howe's version here:
My first visit was in 1990. There was nobody there, no guards, no nothing, and we went in on our own
and just explored. And even for me, just knowing the age just knowing the age of the space and
that there were people living and breathing in these same spaces 5-6,000 years ago was enough to
get my radar working. Someone demonstrated the behavior of a male voice in what’s known as
the Oracle Chamber. And I was told the legend and the theory that a male voice will
carry through the whole Hypogeum and a female voice doesn’t do it.,,,,
It seems to me that they took advantage when they were cutting these chambers, they took advantage of
natural faults in the limestone, and also of the way they could get the sound to move where they wanted it.
Good question! My own theory is that it was part of a school of knowledge that was handed down....
Now of course it is possible for people to make similar discoveries when exposed to the same
spiritual stimuli (if that wasnt' the case people couldn't train themselves in occult techniques)
but at the foot of Howe's article there is a long list of websites which the interested reader can
use to inform themselves further about the Hypogeum. Our webpage is noticeable by its absence, yet if you Google
"Hypogeum, Pagan" or "Hypogeum esoteric", or "Hypogeum occult", and many other combinations you will find that OUR
webpage comes up on the first Googled page every time! Whereas hardly any of the websites listed by Howe does.
It would be difficult for Howe in her research for her links, not to know of this seminal work by Marabas which
has spawned so many immitators and
which has popularised this important sacred place. Has it been ignored to make her article appear to be an original
first discovery when it is actually thirty-one years late?
Before Marabas wrote about it in the Lamp of Thoth Magazine in
1981 there was hardly any mention of the Hypogeum in any occult literature on sacred places and temples; and what
there was did not fully appreciate the occult importance of the place because the short accounts were written second hand.
Marabas was the first occultist to go there and analyse the sacred site, yet today there are articles covering the
'esoteric secrets' of the Oracle room in the Hypogeum all over the net by wiseacres, some of whom weren't even
born when Marabas wrote his seminal work!
Thus an attempt to return to source and discover the true nature of an esoteric teaching is almost impossible in
this day and age when plagiarism is rampant across the web. The true seeker has to be aware of the possibility of
plagiarism and question all claims and assumptions because by their very nature, replications will always embody
inaccuracies and are likely to lead serious students astray.
By their works are they knowest.
This amazing article was first published in issue Volume 1: issue 5 of the famous
Lamp of Thoth Magazine in May 1981.
World Copyright reserved.
Secret Pagan Methods of The Neolithic Maltese
By Frater Ma-Ra-Bas
There are many enigmas and seemingly unsolvable mysteries on this Earth.
Like all mysterious things it is the lack of knowledge of the purpose or
origin of the mysteries that makes them such. In the sphere of occultism
we are at one and the same time assisted by the scientific evidence of the
Archeologists regarding our sacred sites yet hampered by their short sighted,
unenlightened view of ancient civilisations and the role that magic played
in the structure and order of those civilisations. This article is an attempt
to show how incorrect logical supposition can interfere with archeological
conclusions and 'bury' amazing evidence of the universality of the Goddess
Fifty miles South of Sicily and 180 miles from the coast of North Africa
lies the tiny island of Malta. It is a jewel in the centre of the Mediterranean
Sea. Most people know only of it's sunny climate and the friendliness of
it's people. Some may know that it had a strategic position for the
military during both world wars. Others may be aware that Malta has
Links with the Templars via the Knights of St. John but very few people realise
that within an island only 17 miles long there is a wealth of prehistoric
sites and antiquities unsurpassed in concentration any where in the world.
There are no less than 23 Temples and by temple I mean extensive and
impressive prehistoric architectural buildings, not an odd group of
Dolmens or hastily constructed stone circles. Most of these ancient
temples are unique in the information they have revealed about our Pagan
ancestors yet are virtually ignored by Neo-Pagans worldwide.
In this article we shall concern ourselves with two of these prehistoric
buildings. The Tarxien Temple (one of the latest of the Maltese temple building
phase) and the Hypogeum an impressive and beautiful subterranean temple
(which is one of the oldest sacred places) both of which lie just 400 metres
apart in the Paolo district East of Valetta, the capital of Malta. Estimates
of the ages of these two shrines now stand at 2, 800 B.C. for the first Tarxien
development and an impressive 3,200 B.C. for the Hypogeum. Depending upon
which archeological calendar one uses that means the Hypogeum complex was
built contemporary with the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids. However unlike
the Pyramids which 'reach for the heavens'; The Hypogeum is unique
in being a subterranean temple built into Mother Earth herself.
One of the important points about Maltese prehistoric temples is that, for
a variety of reasons, they have remained virtually untouched over the
millennia . They exist today as some of the most complete and revealing
antiquities of Neolithic and Copper age peoples anywhere in the world. The
Hypogeum for example was not known of until 1902 when builders working on
a housing development broke through into one of the Labyrinths. True to that
attitude of careless innocence which epitomizes the Maltese people they promptly
filled in the area and continued to build the houses as before! When
officials eventually discovered the well kept secret it was too late and
now entry to the Hypogeurn is from a narrow back street between terraced
houses; through a door, which if it were not for the mock "trillithon" doorway
could hardly be distinguished from any other entrance in the street.
The Tarxien Temples were discovered in 1914 when a farmer complained that
he had come across large stones while ploughing one of his fields!
In fact most of the archeological discoveries and work on unearthing Maltese
prehistoric antiquities was completed between the years 1902 and 1959. Hence
unlike most of the better-known archeological sites world-wide, the Maltese
sacred sites have not , by and large, been pillaged or summarily destroyed
by competing religions in the meantime and are a unique 'snapshot' of original
That the Goddess; in the form of The Mother Goddess; was worshipped at all
these temples is
certain. In
the Tarxien Temples were discovered highly symbolic and decorated blocks
of stone used as Altars and spiral-type wall frescoes abound. These
are very similar to but predating the symbols found in the famous temple
of Knossus, on the island of Crete, far away to the South East. Note
that though the symbols are similar the Temple of Knossus was a solar temple
consecrated to Zeus the King of the gods. The Myth of Zeus is that
his mother, the Great Goddess Rhea, gave birth to him secretly in a cave.
The significance of this will become clearer later. Many
statuettes and votaries of the Great Goddess were found at the Maltese sites
but the most impressive is a colossus of a figure, (see plate), which must
have at one time stood nearly 8 feet tall and weighed many tons. This is
positioned in the main court or congregation room of the South Tarxien Temple.
All that remains now is the ceremonial skirt and legs of the Goddess figure
but the awe it once must have generated on the Neolithic peoples who built
this temple is easy to imagine as you will see from the photograph of an
adult sat by its side.
All of these Goddess figures are the wide-hipped and buxom stereotype of
womanhood found at nearly all prehistoric sites around the world. The
designs and frescoes consist of three main concepts. The relief carvings
include Bulls or goats which obviously symbolise the male aspect and of Sows,
sometimes suckling piglets; a clear representation of female fecundity. The
spiral designs are very stylised in the later temples and consist of either
concentric spirals (any two of which are always balanced. . i. e. one left
hand one right hand ) or friezes of waves (similar to a line of longhand
Cs') with the top of the C ending in a fish-tail design, as can be seen in
the Goddess photograph above.
The significance of this 'C' design is interesting. In my personal researches
into these beautifully conceived and built temples, I was aided by
the work of Mr John Bezzina, a Maltese businessman and amateur archeologist
who has an obvious empathy with the racial consciousness of his ancestors
. He believes he can prove that the symbol of the linked 'C' was the ancient
Maltese civilisation's symbol for Water. He connects this with man's
first attempts at writing using Hieroglyphs and points to the Egyptian Hieroglyph
for 'M' which he contends is a developed form of the same symbol. As
with all ideographic writing this also had a meaning and it's meaning was
It can be shown that if a survey of neolithic temples is undertaken those
in rainy countries (or at least those with a sufficiently high rainfall to
ensure a fairly continuous water supply) are mostly Sun-God orientated, and
accord, overall with the shape or track of the Sun (i.e. either round or
elliptic) . For these people the Coming of the Sun was the priority; water
they had. Alternatively in areas of naturally arid conditions the deity taking
precedence was the Goddess, The attribution of the Goddess with the Moon
and Water is so basic in occult lore that we need not elaborate further.
Moreover the shape of the temples in these Goddess orientated civilisations
resembles the stereotype of the obese Earth Mother. A ground plan of the
Tarxien Temples (there is a complex of three which interconnect) shows the
squat 'hourglass'shape. These sacred sites were built to represent the goddess
in all respects. This figure of 8 shape brings to mind the 'buckle
of Isis' which symbolises eternity ( a female concept) and also, drawing
the symbolism out further, it could be said that each of the four curves
could be taken to represent the four phases of the lunar cycle. I have not
had sufficient time to cover more on the orientation of these neolithic temples
but feel confident that whereas Stonehenge and other 'Male' temples delineate
the Sun's progress Maltese temples will take account of the Metonic cycle.
Further evidence of the natural evolutionary growth of the Goddess cult in
this part of the world is that in virtually all semitic languages (and many
others beside) the Word for Water is "Ma" One can think also of it's
many derivatives; French Mer; British Mere etc. as parallels. It does
not take a brilliant deductionist to realise that in those same languages
the -word for Mother is the same in virtually all instances as that for water.
Ma, Ma'm Mam, Mere, etc., In the 'chained 'C' friezes of the
Maltese temples therefore (which were built approximately 600 years in advance
of Stonehenge) we have a direct link through the earliest forms of writing
and language based on Goddess consciousness. Aware readers will have
also spotted the similarity of the Egyptian Hieroglyph for 'M' and Water
with the Zodiacal Sign Aquarius, which gives the theory a slant towards magical
consciousness too. These points will be discussed again later on.
Turning to the Hypogeum the Name simply means 'a building below ground'.
This points to the fact that the archeologists have no real idea to what
use this subterranean temple was put. This lack of knowledge is further
underlined by the archeologists' choice of names for the various rooms and
labyrinths that permeate this extensive and complex subterranean temple;
The Snake Pit; The Painted Room ; The Hammer Dressed Room, etc.
The complexity of the rooms and pits is difficult to describe and we have
not the space here to go into this. (For further information see "Malta an
Archeological Guide" (D. J. Trump) Faber Publishers; but we have included
a plan which gives some idea of the relationship of the passages and chambers
(see top of this article).
The Hypogeum is bursting with'unexplained enigmatic mysteries. It could have
come right out of a H. Ridder Haggard adventure story (Ed: prototype for
Speilberg's Indiana Jones). The deepest part of the site is 40 feet below
ground. Access is achieved by descending a specially cut rock staircase.
This staircase has seven steps. Those that take an eighth step plummet into
a 6 foot deep pit because the staircase ends at nowhere. However, the seventh
step is about 9" wide and curves around at the bottom extending to
the right into a narrow ledge. This acts as a pathway into the deepest chamber
of the Hypogeum. On it's way it passes dangerously over two further deep
pits , then a calculated jump from this ledge enables one to reach stone
cut steps into the very deepest chamber. This is a high vaulted room
about 9 feet in diameter. Cut out of the walls at floor level are five small
arch like openings just large enough to admit an adult, which lead into circular
pits,about three feet deep. One can imagine the situation for anyone traversing
this route during the period that the temple was originally used; pitch black
save for the light of a tallow lamp. Without the knowledge of the false
steps broken limbs and perhaps worse, would have been the result. An eminent
trap for the non-initiated to protect the holy-of-holies from profanation..
Archeologists maintain that these five chambers and three pits were used
to store grain for this was a prized commodity and this view is still held
today by some. Alternatively the archeologists have another theory. That
these pits were burial pits and that when the bodies were put in they would
be sufficiently full for anybody who wished to walk over them to do so without
using the ledge. It is evident that when lost for factual evidence, the majority
of archeologists are as fantastic in their logic as some unrestrained occultists.
Show me the farmer of grain who would keep mould-liable precious grain in
subterranean chambers which must have taken many tens of years to hack out
of the rock using antler-picks simply as an alternative to mounting a 24
hour guard for security purposes? Why would anyone want to walk over
putrid mounds of decaying corpses and how difficult and messy would this
be to accomplish? Neither do the Archeologists offer a suggestion
as to why there were no traces of human remains in the pits when they were
re-discovered. Whatever the steps and rooms of the Hyporgeum were for they
were not for grain or corpses. The archeological and scientific evidence
has come up with a blank.
Another mystery is the "snake pit" . This is in one corner of the 'hammer
dressed room. It is about 6 feet deep and spherically cut with an overhanging
lip of rock. This means that, if anyone fell into this pit it
would be similar to trying to get out of a goldfish bowl. Impossible unless
you had help from above. In the 'snake pit' archeologists found various bits
of stone and horn jewellery or talismans. They assumed it to be a votary
pit where the ancients developed a dry 'wishing well' and the goldfish bowl
shape was to catch thieves who tried to remove the votary items. No community
held together by a bond sufficiently committed to spend generations of time
and effort building such sacred places would include a 'wishing-well'' in
their temples.
There is another probable purpose which I shall reveal later. On the
attitude that archeologists have towards prehistoric man there is much that
can be said. It is common error to assume that wisdom and intellectualism
develop with civilisation and that previous civilisations are inferior to
our own simply because they had not discovered quantum physics or learned
how to build spaceships. It is common error to assume that any motivations
of earlier civilisations- stemmed from 'unevolved' concepts or awareness
and that the older the civilisations were the more parochial will their judgment
and speed of reasoning be. This is the equivalent of calling Australian
aborigines 'savages' when sat in a air conditioned office in Sydney and then
gratefully owing them your life whey they can find you food and water in
the Out-back after your high-technology car breaks down in a situation where
you yourself would have been quite incapable of saving your own skin. There's
horses for courses and Neolithic man no doubt had his share of both geniuses
and fools, just as we have today.
The degree of workmanship and vision put into the building of these temples
with no tools other
than horn
chisels and stone mallets is incredible. Digging out the Hypogeum was
accomplished by using horns and hammers to drive v shaped holes into the
rock and then a mallet was used to shatter the 'V' from the rock face. Can
you imagine just what planning and foresight, effort and motivation went
into digging out the giant chambers of the Hypogeum out of solid rock?
Unless you see the extent and finish on these buildings yourself (see
illustration of 'Holy of Holies' adjacent) you will not perceive the dedication
and advanced architecture and craftsmanship that was put into the preparation
of these Temples over five thousand years ago. They are magnificent, and
nowhere more than the Hypogeum. With all this in mind, banal inferences that
stone-age man could be 'duped' by the priesthood; or was neurotically
superstitious to a degree that left him in animal type fear of his gods is
a gross insult. All evidence shows them to have been a noble breed.
Now we come to the room in the Hypogeum which I found to be not only impressive
in architectural terms but yet another key to the Goddess cult and magically
active to boot. Sufficiently so for a mystical experience to occur spontaneously.
Every temple on Malta included rooms which the archeologists have named Oracle
Rooms. The definition is more or less correct. Readers will already know
of the Delphic Oracle and the many other temples in and around the Mediterranean
that incorporated Oracle rooms so (although there is no precedence due to
the early date of these Maltese temples) it is certain that divinatory
instruction and guidance would be sought from the Gods. Not however as the
modern archeologist would have you believe, as some kind of sop to the masses,
but as a proper mystical technique. Because the roofs of the ground level
temples over the rest of Malta have fallen it is difficult to reconstruct
the effect of the oracle rooms in these temples. In those Temples constructed
above ground all that can be seen is usually a separate niche with adjoining
window, similar to a confessional. The Priest or Priestess presumably
acting as intermediary for the gods would sit inside the niche and their
utterances come from the window. In the Hypogeum however, everything is intact
and we can explore what actually happened and reproduce the events.
To get a proper perspective on just how religious prejudice can interfere
with an archeologists viewpoint and findings I would here like to quote from
D. H. Trumps book "Malta; An Archeological Guide". ( Let me say that in technical
information and in comprehensiveness this book must be the best to introduce
the layman to Maltese antiquities and this extract must not be allowed to
put the reader off obtaining a copy) . Describing the Oracle Room Mr Trump
"From the end of this room, steps lead down into the so-called Oracle
room - It is roughly rectangular, with three oval side-chambers of various
sizes. The smallest, at face level in the left-hand wall, has the peculiarity
of producing a powerful echo or reverberation to a deep voice. A good deal
has been said and written about the acoustical skill of the builders to produce
this effect, by means of the moulding at ceiling level in the end wall of
the room it has been suggested. Short of testing this by the drastic means
of cutting away the moulding, it is probably safer to regard the echo as
quite accidental. Less marked effects of the same kind can be found elsewhere,
in the Holy of Holies for example. This is not to deny that its suitability
for religious ceremonies may not have been recognized and exploited to the
full. The effect is certainly eerie, even today under full electric light"
An illustration of the Oracle room is adjacent. We must elaborate on it's
design to ensure the
fully understands it's purpose. The first of the side cells ((a) in the
illustration) has a, hole about 18" square. Inside this entrance hole the
cell opens out into a sphere shape about four feet diameter and the sides
slope up to the entry hole; it is to all intents and purposes a 'womb', having
a very smooth surface. Quite how they chisled this out in such a confined
area is a wonder.
Side niche (b) is an arch shaped hollow at about face-level about 14" across
by 18" high and approximately 12" in depth. It has an arched and curved interior
at the top but is horizontal at the bottom, made for a statuette of
the presiding deity perhaps?. When a man speaks into this niche, his deep
voice sets up a peculiar resonance that reverberates not only in the Oracle
room but throughout the Temple itself. If a woman, or child speaks
into the niche very little if any reverberation occurs. Archeologists -(again
working on the prejudice that the priests of old were charlatans leading
the 'ignorant' masses) say that this accidental or 'lucky' design was used
to frighten the congregation into Subservience and belief in the oracle's
power. The reverberation produced is certainly very impressive indeed. It
would put to shame an electronic synthesizer so powerful is it.
Over the years this reverberation niche (niche B) has been polished
round it's circumfrence] by the clutching hands of tourists who stick their
head into it and bellow in a deep voice all manner of inanities. Whilst I
was there someone even recited the 23rd Psalm! When I visited the Hypogeum
it was early summer and although the tourists were not out in force yet,
the place was full. A guide was showing a party of 20 or so Americans around
and various groups were finding their own way. I stood apart from the throng
at the back of the Oracle Room with the nape of my neck pressed up against
the 'moulding' focussing in on the psychometric vibrations from ancient times.
Being an occultist and sensitive to ethereal vibrations it soon became obvious
that a mystical happening was about to occur. Suddenly I had the place to
myself. Everybody seemed to disappear and the place went strangely quiet.
I was standing alone in the Oracle Room trying to appreciate how these so
called 'primitives' could have known they could obtain such a fantastic sonic
effect, let alone chip away and design it into the chamber. A little thought
into how easily too much rock could have been chipped away to destroy the
effect - and yet, conversely, how did they decide when to stop for maximum
effect? Other questions ran through my mind and I began to receive information
that brought insight from the inner planes.
The moulding that Mr Trump mentioned in the extract above is a lip of rock
which has been hollowed out and stands about 2" proud from the rock face.
This lip begins at the base of the reverberation chamber and circulates around
the Oracle room to a point opposite the reverberation niche. About
19 feet distant. At this point the lip widens, flattens out and then is flared
smoothly into the rock face; the entire thing is a bit like the outer part
of a giant human ear. I moved over to this point. With my shoulders
pressed up against the end of the lip I could see directly into the reverberation
niche and as soon as I saw that something clicked in my consciousness and
I immediately 'knew' how the Oracle worked. There was no need to stick
your head in the niche; it was more perfect than the archeologists new. It
was all done from over here. I began to hum in a deep voice directing
the vibrations across the room into the niche . The reverberations picked
up instantly; and this time much louder than the effect by speaking into
it close up. More than that. There was an oscillation there. As I hummed
again, a little longer this time the oscillation built up into a rhythm.
It was VERY powerful. My head began to buzz, ( I can feel it again , now
as I write.) It was obvious that my brain-waves were beginning to entrain
with the frequency of the humming. In an instant I knew what
I had to do. This overlooked Oracle room was a Mantra resonator. It was built
to effectively and speedily ratchet up the High Priest's consciousness (and
harmonise the minds of others in the rest of the temple). The effect was
due to the rhythmic reverberation and oscillation. Anybody in the Oracle
Room would have been in a deep trance state within a few minutes. The
congregation probably stood in the main chamber and got the side effects.
Then it hit me; the High Priest wouldn't just mumble any old mantra; it would
be the basic phonetic Mantra of the Cult. It would be "Ma" . I began
to re-iterate this most fundamental of sound concept ideas and the room came
alive. Within a couple of minutes I was in a deep trance state and in a flash
She was there. Over in the first cell (chamber A) The High Priestess, curled
up in embryonic pose. From my position, without altering my gaze or mantra
I could see right into the cell that was obviously the WOMB of the
mother Goddess. For a split second she was there! It had to be. It
was perfect! The reverberation could only work with a masculine voice. The
priest created the environment but the Priestess was the only one that could
conjoin with the Goddess to divine her Will reaching the full possession
state, via the masculinity of the Priests voice the potency of the sound
activated the trance state in the Priestess and she received the guidance
of the Gods. It was sacred. It was perhaps the oldest example of Drawing
Down the Power of the Goddess. Instantly many weird things began to happen.
It was as though I had loosened the flood gates for this living monument
to our Pagan forebears and a whole stream of images flooded in. I bore it
as long as I could, It was just too much . I had to cease the chanting and
get out. I was vibrating from head to foot and had that sickening dizziness
at the base of the skull which symptomises occult energy overload. I could
have run a sub four minute mile or jumped thirty feet in the air. It took
about four hours for me to calm down.
Many more insights came to pass concerning this wonderful shrine; too many
to record here. For anyone contemplating visiting Malta I would implore them
to go and experience the Hypogeum and see if it is not for them as it was
for me. Mr John Bezzina is a genial character and gives lectures on the
archeology of Malta for interested visitors.
In this article I have attempted to show how our neolithic and copper age
ancestors had achieved consummate skill in both architecture and ritual
observance of their religion and magic as well as having established one
of the earliest organised cults of the Goddess. The questions I would now
like you to ask yourself are these: This civilisation did not just develop
their complex ritual observances overnight. As with all religions there must
have been a previous base to develop upon. Their architectural and artistic
skills were very practised, and their acumen in spiritual things obviously
quite advanced. We do not know where these people came from; archeologists
suggest Sicily as this is the easiest sea route being only 50 miles away,
but this is supposition and not fact; there are no similar temples in Sicily.
Crete is a possibility but as The Temple at Knossos is dated later
than the Hypogeum it could be the other way round. The Goddess Cult
may have exported itself from Malta to Crete and thence throughout the
Ancient Greek empire. Two things are certain; The Ancient Maltese
came from somewhere and they definitely knew what they were doing.
Their culture must have been built upon tradition and prior established lore.
Archeologists believe Malta was populated around 5, 000 B. C. but earlier
than the Hypogeum ( 3.500 B.C) . we have no trace of their religious motivation
on this island. The temple building phase, all of which seem dedicated to
the Goddess took place during the period 3,500 B.C. to 2,500 B.C.
Six hundred years before Stonehenge was built the prehistoric
Maltese were designing and producing architectural models of their
beautifully designed temples. If they were building models of this
calibre to ascertain the success of a design with the people and the priesthood;
moving blocks of stone weighing many tons on giant 50cm diameter stone 'ball
bearings' instead of tree-rollers, carving sine-waves into solid rock
etc., where did all this development spring from? Even the Archeologists
admit that "there is nothing looking remotely like one of these temples outside
the Maltese Islands so we cannot use 'foreign influence' to explain their
It is obvious that here is an area which occultists call influence for the
'newness' of the archeological investigations still leaves room for innovative
and objective ideas. Here is an opportunity for those committed occultists
who feel the need to develop their own facts and ideas, if not for the reason
that it is a great and worthwhile study, for the other reason that orthodox
archeology seems genuinely stumped by it.'
World Copyright Frater Marabas, The Sorcerer's Apprentice®
Leeds, Yorkshire 1981